Glowing textures
If you are experiencing an issue with huge glowing textures like grass or stubble, please note that you can fix it by making sure that all used materials in your map are declared in the config.cpp under class yourMapName: CAWorld.
Below example taken from Livonia config:
class UsedTerrainMaterials
Issues with wind and weather in general
Please note that for some time there was an issue with cfgweather.xml file inside server mission folder. It was present after the update and also on the official wiki. Right now it is fixed, the problem was with missing letters in few places. If you experience problems with weather, please update your file with example below. Please also note that changing wind force with VPP Admin Tool may not work correctly for now!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- 'reset' and 'enable' are a bool, and therefore supports: 0/1, true/false, yes/no -->
<!-- 'reset' controls whether you want to load in the weather from storage or not (false by default) -->
<!-- 'enable' controls whether this file is enabled or not (true by default) -->
<weather reset="0" enable="1">
<!-- Initial conditions of the overcast (target value, time to change, how long will it stay) -->
<current actual="0.45" time="120" duration="240" />
<!-- What is the range of the overcast value (0..1) -->
<limits min="0.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- How long does it take to the overcast to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
<timelimits min="900" max="1800" />
<!-- How much should the overcast change (0..1) -->
<changelimits min="0.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- Initial conditions of the fog (target value, time to change, how long will it stay) -->
<current actual="0.1" time="120" duration="240" />
<!-- What is the range of the fog value (0..1) -->
<limits min="0.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- How long does it take to the fog to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
<timelimits min="900" max="1800" />
<!-- How much should the fog change (0..1) -->
<changelimits min="0.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- Initial conditions of the rain (target value, time to change, how long will it stay), restricted by thresholds (see below) -->
<current actual="0.0" time="120" duration="240" />
<!-- What is the range of the rain value (0..1) -->
<limits min="0.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- How long does it take to the rain to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
<timelimits min="300" max="600" />
<!-- How much should the rain change (0..1) -->
<changelimits min="0.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- What range of the overcast value allows the rain to be preset (min, max overcast value, time in seconds it takes for rain to stop if the overcast is outside of the specified range) -->
<thresholds min="0.5" max="1.0" end="120" />
<!-- Initial conditions of the wind magnitude (target value, time to change, how long will it stay), restricted by thresholds (see below) -->
<current actual="8.0" time="120" duration="240" />
<!-- What is the range of the wind magnitude value in m/s -->
<limits min="0.0" max="20.0" />
<!-- How long does it take to the wind magnitude to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
<timelimits min="120" max="240" />
<!-- How much should the wind change -->
<changelimits min="0.0" max="20.0" />
<!-- Initial conditions of the wind direction(target value, time to change, how long will it stay), restricted by thresholds (see below) -->
<current actual="0.0" time="120" duration="240" />
<!-- What is the range of the wind direction (angle in radians) -->
<limits min="-3.14" max="3.14" />
<!-- How long does it take to the wind direction to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
<timelimits min="60" max="120" />
<!-- How much should the wind change direction -->
<changelimits min="-1.0" max="1.0" />
<!-- Note that in this example the snowfall is set as such that it always remains at 0. -->
<!-- Initial conditions of the snowfall (target value, time to change, how long will it stay), restricted by thresholds (see below) -->
<current actual="0.0" time="0" duration="32768" />
<!-- What is the range of the snowfall value (0..1) -->
<limits min="0.0" max="0.0" />
<!-- How long does it take to the snowfall to change from one value to other (time in seconds) -->
<timelimits min="300" max="3600" />
<!-- How much should the snowfall change (0..1) -->
<changelimits min="0.0" max="0.0" />
<!-- What range of the overcast value allows the snowfall to be preset (min, max overcast value, time in seconds it takes for snowfall to stop if the overcast is outside of the specified range) -->
<thresholds min="1.0" max="1.0" end="120" />
<!-- Lightning density (0..1), threshold for the lightning appearance (tied to the overcast value, 0..1), time (seconds) between the lightning strikes -->
<storm density="1.0" threshold="0.7" timeout="25"/>
Do you know the how to fix it? Please share it via contact form!
Floating concrete panels
Due to changes of concrete panels geometry, many map creators are struggling with floating assets all over place. For now there are only 2 possible fixes. One is to fix their positions manually or use the community-fix from the Steam Workshop available here.
UPDATE: Developers will introduce new-old versions of assets to use for actually existing maps:

pboProject failing at compiling custom maps
Solution does not work for everyone and it is recommended to wait for the final patch to binarize.exe, because Bohemia Interactive is aware of the problems but fix is not in the stable version yet. So if you have a problem packing the map with pboProject by Mikero, the first thing you should do is to update every possible tool related to your DayZ modding from Mikero’s website. Then, try following the settings below for Warnings and Errors and you should be able to pack the map, even with the Sakhal assets. However! It is not recommended for using those for stable builds, because you can pack PBOs with multiple errors in it.

Road Tool issues
It is very likely that the new version of Terrain Builder will throw many errors when using Road Tool. You can “ignore” them, but there is no guarantee that the editor will work. For many users roads are not showing at all. Only possible solution is to put a road part from the template library and move it around a little bit, so that would eventually update rest of the roads that are not visible.