Changes to the insulation system by WOBO

Do you want to learn more about changes of insulation system that were made in the last update – 1.26? Make sure to watch the newest video from WOBO.

What’s hidden behind the insulation system?

This is one of many gameplay aspects in DayZ. You need to remember that your character is vulnerable to temperatures changes. Based on your clothing, wetness of it (due to swimming in clothes, rain or snow fall) and overall temperature in game, you can lose or gain thermal comfort. If it’s slightly out of bounds, you will experience increased drain of your hydration and energy, also your character will give out symptoms of uncomfortable thermal comfort. If it’s too high or too low, you will start losing your health points (due to hypothermia or hyperthermia).

How to keep your thermal comfort?

Make sure to wear appropriate clothing to the map you play on. You can check the temperature of official maps on our website. If it’s too hot, don’t wear sweaters, coats or winter hats. But if it’s cold outside, don’t run around without gloves in a t-shirt and sneakers. Additionaly, avoid swimming long distances and try to find a boat instead. If you’re struggling with a cold, remember to spend some more time by the fire so you can build up your thermal comfort boost, represented by the “+” (plus) signs. Full buff consists of 3 pluses.

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